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Next Online Course:

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Course Information:

Dates: 27 May - 24 June, 2024

Time: 7-8:30 p.m. UK time

Location: Online through Zoom

Course Fee: Donation Basis 

(Suggested donation to

participate: £100)


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Course Introduction 

Love is a word that is commonly used when we're talking about things we enjoy doing or people we enjoy being with. These are beautiful things, but the invitation to live from love offers us something quite different.


Have you ever noticed that there is a part of us that is completely okay with whatever is arising in each moment? Although we may not like what's happening or want things to be different, there is a part of us that is completely okay with whatever is arising, regardless of our preferences. 


When we look back on our lives, we can see that there have been happy moments and also challenging ones, but no matter how challenging, we have all had the capacity to experience all of it. We even have the capacity to be with our resistance to how things are and are wanting them to be different.


Might this incredible, effortless capacity, that we all share, be the ground of unconditional love? How might we learn to sense into this capacity from the depths of our own experience and learn to live from that sacred place?


Course Structure

Week 1 - Introduction with Salwan: Participants will get the opportunity to introduce themselves to the group and Salwan will offer an orientation for the course and the weeks ahead. 


Week 2 - Connection with Don Oakley: Don will lead the group in a guided meditation and will offer a short talk pointing participants to an experiential sense of unconditional love. Participants will have the opportunity to Q&A with Don after his talk.


Week 3 - Expression with Chelsea Green: Chelsea will lead the group in an interactive session exploring the theme of expression. Chelsea will offer creative exercises for the group to engage with during her session.


Week 4 - Embodiment with Yvonne Sandison: Yvonne will lead the group in an interactive session exploring the theme of embodiment. Yvonne will offer a guided seated yoga and breathing practice as part of her session. 


Week 5 - Course Conclusion with Salwan: Salwan will bring the course to a conclusion by offering a summary of the teaching throughout the course. Participants will have the opportunity to share their thoughts, experiences and reflections with the group.

About the Teachers


Salwan Cartwright-Shamoon is a classically trained singer, pianist and composer from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He studied his undergraduate music degree at Queen's University, Belfast and his master's in Vocal Performance at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. He founded the Ballylesson Concert Series in 2022 which offers performance opportunities to local and professional musicians throughout the year.


As a singer, Salwan has performed recitals throughout the U.K. and particularly enjoys performing English song; as a composer, he has recorded over 20 works, including a short musical, a collection of pieces for piano and cello, and most recently, his 3-movement string quartet, Wholeness.


As a teacher, Salwan has led many courses online and in-person that have supported musicians and artists in finding their deepest levels of expression. 


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Don Oakley is a nondual spiritual teacher and Managing Director of the Well Being Retreat Center in Tazewell, Tennessee where he and his lovely wife, Patty Bottari, manage the center and lead frequent retreats.


Don studied intensively with Eckhart Tolle and Adyashanti and currently serves on the Board of Directors for Adyashanti's Open Gate Sangha. Don's first book, "It's Time to Wake Up Now: The Top Ten Myths that Can Hijack Spiritual Awakening," is a 5-star rated book on Amazon. His second book, "Empty Wisdom: The Subtle Art of Discovery What You Already Are" is also available on Amazon.


More information about Don can be found on his website; and more information about his teachings can be found on Instagram or YouTube.



Chelsea Green is a self-taught, professional multi-media artist who began creating commissioned custom portraits at twelve years of age. Supported and encouraged by her local community in the Appalachian Mountains, Chelsea continued to build her skills as a fine artist, and went on to attend Governor's School for the Arts in Murfreesboro, Tennessee as a high school student. 


Chelsea graduated university and later attended graduate school to become a Licensed Therapist. She has worked with individuals and couples in Charleston, South Carolina.


Chelsea currently teaches meditation and offers workshops on mindful living, spiritual integrity, & creating healthy relationships with other humans and the natural world. More information about Chelsea's work can be found on her website.


After a career spanning over 25 years performing in opera, oratorio and recital nationally and internationally, Yvonne Sandison has been teaching singing and latterly yoga in schools and at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. She has placed a particular emphasis on yoga for singers, using body, breath, and sound in class and one to one teaching, where a bespoke practice can be created to suit the individual.


Yvonne is currently undertaking a teacher training in Vedic chant. These techniques draw on the fundamental teachings of ancient yoga where breathing techniques and the use of sound are used to steady the mind and serve as a support, not only in performance but in seeking clarity and stability in daily life.


Q: What happens if I’m unable to make one of the live group sessions?

A: All of the live group sessions are recorded and a private link will be made available to all participants within a couple of days after the live session. This will give participants the opportunity to go over the session and for those who have missed a session the opportunity to catch-up.


Q: If I'm unable to donate the suggested amount, am I still able to participate?

A: Yes. The course is run on a donation basis meaning that you can decide how much you would like to donate or can afford. The suggested donation is only a guideline based on the costs involved in running the course. 


Q: Is there anything that I can do to prepare for this course?

A: A valuable thing to do before the course begins is to take some time to reflect on what living from love means for you. There is of course no one right answer, but taking some time to contemplate what living from love means for you would be a valuable starting point.


If you have any further questions about the course, you can contact Salwan at:

Register for the Course

Registration Form

Thank you for registering for the course!

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